#2402 Planets 1 Distance 1047 ly Abundance Common Solar Radii 0.79 Temperature 5193 K Solar Masses 0.82 Constellation Swan Age / Lifetime 5.62 / 50 Gyr Solar Luminosities 0.41 🏳️Owner: Clans of the Raven Resources 🧱Available : 30000 ⚡ 819 ❔ |
#2403 Orbit 0.11 AU Category Terran (hot) Distance 1047 ly Abundance Common Discovered 2016 Earth Radii 1.03 Temperature 624 K Earth Masses 1.09 Orbital Period 14 days 🏳️Owner: Clans of the Raven Resources 🧱Available : 36 ⚡ 4992 ❔ |
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