⚠️The development of the Stellar Hood Game is halted due to MiCA regulations.
Welcome to the Stellar Hood Project.
The first interactive, fully onchain programmed and executed next gen Cardano NFT.
‒ The First of its Kind ‒
☙ EST 2021 ❧
Technology Pioneers


Stellar Hood NFT is a fully interactive Cardano NFT! Click, grab, zoom and rotate your star system. Select celestial objects to get detailed information. Don't miss the fullscreen button🌌!
▶Test it
▶Test it
Stellar Hood NFT offers the first ever truely on-chain NFT powered by a self-developed technique which paved the way for all the other fully on-chain projects that followed. Everything from the thumbnail to the interactive NFT application of the main drops (Season 1, 2, 3...) is placed fully on the Cardano blockchain. There is no external storage like webserver or IPFS. This is the first NFT that can never go offline!
▶View on-chain metadata
▶View on-chain metadata
Not only the Stellar Hood NFT application is fully stored on blockchain, it is also executed directly on blockchain:
▶See example on pool.pm
▶See example on pool.pm


As one of the first established gamificated projects Stellar Hood offers a full spectrum gamificated utility for its NFTs!
Connect your wallet and manage your NFTs in the interactive browser game!
- Rename star-systems
- Claim owner and discoverer titles
- Communicate with others
- Harvest resources
- Build Starbases and explore the Galaxy!
Project Integration

The Stellar Hood browser game is also a platform for
other NFT projects to showcase the project by
exposing and distributing their NFTs or utility tokens
There are different options for Stellar Hood players to interact with integrated projects:
There are different options for Stellar Hood players to interact with integrated projects:
- Collect projects tokens as in-game resources:
- Use projects citizen/creatures NFTs and their traits
as space citizens in-game:
- Visit unique designed project 📡space-stations in-game
- ...more to come!